We offer academic support in English and Spanish for youth and adults in the East Side of San José.
Escuela Popular Charter School
Lidia Reguerin, an educator with over 50 years of experience is the founder of Escuela Popular. This community-based grassroots school was formed to address the growing need for English classes in east San José and has been providing educational services since 1986. Within the first year of operation, interest grew rapidly and Escuela Popular continues to expand in number of students, classes and services. Children and adults of all ages are welcome to build on their social, linguistic and cultural strengths to develop bilingual, bicultural students fully prepared for higher education and empowered to pursue their life-long goals. Visit Escuela Popular’s website to learn more about their admissions process.
College Entrance Assistance
We support youth pursuing higher education or vocational school by assessing their needs and helping to plan or prepare for their future. Many students and parents feel anxious about filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). In order to guide them through the application, ConXión invites parents and youth to attend a workshop on FAFSA. Our skilled staff will guide you through the application process informing you of required documentation, and then help you apply.
Workshops are held once a month from January to June. Students and their parents or caretakers attend these meetings to receive guidance or support their peers.
For more information or to enroll call Cynthia Torres 408-213-0961 ext 58 or CTorres@conxion.org
Opportunity Youth Academy (OYA)
OYA is available to students ages 16-24 who are pursuing their High School Diploma and have been out of school for at least 3 months. OYA is a blended program of teachers directed instruction and online credit accrual and recovery options. Youth schedule academic “drop-ins” with a mentor to monitor their diploma completion status. Upon graduation, ConXión hosts a Graduation Ceremony complete with cap and gown.
For more information or to enroll contact Mary Bravo, MaBravo@sccoe.org
Digital Literacy
Workshops designed to teach participants Microsoft Office Suites, Google Doc, & Outlook.
For more information or to enroll contact Roland Metra, 408-213-0961 ext 61, RMetra@conxion.org